When the cost of buying a new car is still too high, many people choose to buy a used car. The golden experience when buying a used car becomes more important than ever. Used car buyers have many ways to find themselves a satisfactory car. Some people buy from acquaintances, friends, while others go through online sales channels, through the press, and many people go to professional business showrooms to be comfortable with them. more options.

However, this cost savings will entail a few risks if you are not prepared enough to check the used car model you want to buy. With the basic suggestions below will partly help you avoid making unfortunate mistakes.

Golden experiences when buying used cars

What can be ignored?

Regardless of the form of sale, the common mentality of most sellers is to find a way to make their car look shiny, clean, to attract buyers. Therefore, car buyers also need to know what to do and not be dazzled by the flashy exterior paint.

Then, the number of kilometers displayed on the speedometer will also make no sense in many cases. The fact that the numbering on the watch is reversed in order to “flash” the “faded” customers still happens often for the sellers who want to throw the blind, making the buyers no longer clearly aware of the status of use. real car. This often happens to cars that have been used too much, even exploited to the fullest extent, but still in good shape, such as transport business vehicles, imported second-hand cars, rental cars of companies. ty,…

What can’t be missed?

While the exterior paint (appearance) or the number displayed on the speedometer are issues that sometimes do not mean much in choosing to buy a used car, there are especially important aspects that buyers need to be carefully considered. That is:

1. The origin of the car when buying a used car

This is the number 1 important issue for a used car, such as registration certificate, complete registration book, insurance book (if any), etc. It not only shows the previous owners. that, but also related to a series of problems in the process of legalizing the car to the new owner and also a condition for the car’s circulation later.

Normally, used car buyers will have to pay additional costs (registered tax, calculated according to the value of the old car set by the tax authorities) to legally transfer ownership, and the amount may be The difference is a lot if the vehicle registration certificate is in different localities.

2. Body condition when buying a used car

Entire tires can be beautifully refurbished, but there are areas that even skilled craftsmen in the field don’t notice or can’t fix. That’s the inside of the door handle hook next to the driver’s seat (but not elsewhere). A car used a lot, this detail will wear a lot, even the most worn out of all car exterior details.

Next, look for the door latch on the B-pillar and the latch on the door next to the driver’s seat. The degree of wear of these parts is a living proof of the vehicle’s actual condition that cannot be hidden by any measure.

Sensitive locations on the bodywork will not only reveal how the vehicle is being used, but also leave a mark on collisions. The joints that join the panels, the folds in the door frames or glass or side panels, or the fenders are places where water and dirt accumulate and will rust first.

But what’s more important than that is that these positions often cannot be restored to their original state when distorted due to impact. Remember that most modern vehicles use a space-based and robotic-welded chassis and body structure that is flat, even, and cannot be replaced even if severely damaged by impact. Therefore, any strange welds or abnormal deformation positions are suspicious signs. Glass frames must be tight, not warped, up and down the glass smoothly.

3. Interior comfort when buying a used car

Stepping inside a used car, buyers first need to look at the overall picture to compare the different degradation or discolouration in different locations. The top surface of the dashboard is the area that is most susceptible to discoloration because it is closest to the windshield, receives a lot of dust, is often exposed to the hot sun, while receiving little care in the process of cleaning the car’s interior. On a good car, the dashboard or door panels, the ceiling, and the center pedestal must be solid.

Besides, the deterioration of the driver’s seat and steering wheel are two parts that always go hand in hand with the frequency of vehicle use. With a car that has been used a lot, the foam mattress of the driver’s seat will be softer, even flattened, not stretched with the rest of the seats.

If it is a leather seat, the lower thigh support and or the back of the seat (where it often comes into contact with the driver’s arm) will peel or crack with heavy use. Depending on the quality of the interior, the degradation takes place quickly or slowly. With cars that have been re-upholstered, the foam mattress is the remaining sign to be recognizable. The smooth steering wheel in the handlebar positions, or the peeling leather cover is also a noticeable manifestation.

For cars that still use conventional keys, the key and the electric lock are also talking details. Car buyers need to see if the key is worn or not, the lock is loose or not, and the key turning is still smooth.

The above are golden experiences when buying a used car that will surely be useful to you in the decision-making process. Good luck with your purchase of a car.